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Is Music Theory Important?

Is Music Theory Important?

Let's face it: music theory sucks. There's nothing more discouraging to us than learning scales and seeing all those nauseating pieces of sheet music, but is music theory really worth all the hassle?

I used to be one of those people that completely hated music theory. I would rather learn new tricks, riffs, amd arrangements than sit and memorize scales and shapes. It wasn't when I was 14 years old when I hitted a brick wall in my guitar playing, that I realized there was something missing .

I tried almost every new technique, but none of them seem to make me feel like I'm making more advanced music. Then I came to realize that I have been lacking in proper musical knowledge since day one.

I started small and learned scales and their relationships to chords in a song. I was shocked in how learning and harmonizing the major scale granted me the ability to figure out a song's tune by ear!

I realized music theory was the key to every player's success. Combine it with technique practice and improvement will surely come. I can say I'm really passionate about music theory and I always try to learn new musical concepts and applications to keep my playing as fresh as possible.

So if you ask me: is music theory important? Well, the answer would be yes. Not only are they important, but they are beneficial! Don't believe me? Go ahead and try it yourself!


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